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Nyssa is spelled Νύσσα in Greek. This name belonged to a few princesses of the Seleucid dynasty, their names are also sometimes spelled as Nysa (Νύσα).
So if I was with ST Gregory in the 4th century, how would I pronounce it? I like Nessa like Vanessa best but I like the connection to the Tupelo tree and St Gregory so I want to say it right.
It sounds cool! Very girly-sounding to me!
Ugh. So melodramatic and prissy-sounding.
Nyssa is exactly the kind of flowery name I would see on a character in a high-fantasy novel, which is why I love it.
My brother has a girl named Nyssa in his drama group, pronounced NEE-SA. I'd never heard of the name before and thought it might have been a new and made up name, but apparently not.
My name is pronounced NEE-suh. My parents told me they loved my name because it is unique, both Greek and Scandinavian and means "beginning" (I am also the first child! Similar to another commenter's story). I love my name too and I've gotten many compliments on it. Sometimes people don't always know how to pronounce it, although I notice that non-native English speakers get it right most of the time!
My parents pronounce it Nee-suh and I really like that about my name because it's really unique and everyone calls me different things and it's interesting to see everyone's interpretation of it. My mom chose it because it means "the beginning" in Greek and I'm her first child. I really love my name. I really hate complimenting anything about myself but it just sounds so pretty and rare that I feel like my name is just perfect.
This name is one of my favourite ones. I saw it for the first time in one of Rick Riordan's books, named The Lost Hero. His Nyssa is daughter of Hephaestus. Also, I am writing books and one of the main characters is named Nyssa (she is emo).
So my name is really unique? :) Hi to all users! I'm Nyssa from the Philippines!My family pronounces my name as "Nay-za".
I know a girl who has this name and pronounces it NEE-sa. I like NIS-sa much better.
Pronounced NIS-uh, with the "uh" being a schwa sound.
I love the way this name looks, but I'm not sure how it's pronounced.
Minimalist rubbish, and not pretty at all.
Pronounced NIS-a, a type of tree, Nyssa sylvatica; commonly known as Black Gum or Black Tupelo. This is a tree in the Nyssaceae family.
Such a pretty name, very elegant. I like the pronunciation KNEE-sa.
This is one of the most beautiful names I have ever had the pleasure to hear. It is so sweet, well, just beautiful. :)
I LOVE this name! It's SO pretty!
Also the name of a companion of the 4th and 5th doctors on the British TV show "Doctor Who" and my name (guess where my father got it from).

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