Charmian is the German name of the Pokemon Glameow.
Charm could be a nickname.
Charmian the chairman.
Charmian Gooch is a political activist known for the campaign against blood diamond trade. She was awarded several high ranking prices.
It is the first time that I've seen it. My first impressions are:
1 'carminio' Italian word for 'charmine'
2 Carmen
3 Karma
4 Carmel
5 Hermione (because the original form is Charmion)So Charmian has not its own personality but just a mix of all these links.
Not the best, not very pretty. Oh well... I guess this could pass.
I am reminded of Charmander from Pokemon every time I see this name...
Exactly what I was thinking! The spelling is almost the same, remove the 'A' and you've got the toilet paper brand 'Charmin'!
I think this name is ugly. Charmian makes me think of Charmin toilet paper and their hilarious commercials with the bears.
In the book, Hand of Isis, this is Cleopatra's handmaid's name.
It's an anagram of chairman.
I love this name, but only pronounced 'KAR-mee-an'. That pronunciation seems to make more sense, anyway.
Very pretty!
I have a friend named Charmian, and I think it is a very pretty name.
Charmian Carr is best known for role as Liesl, the eldest Von Trapp daughter in The Sound of Music.
A traditional English pronunciation is KAR-mee-an, with a hard "k" sound. Lovely name :-)
From the ancient Greek name Charmion (f), Charminos (m). Charmion was a servant of Cleopatra. Charminos was an Athenian general.

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